Every college party I ever went to

True story: One year in college, I was living with Dirty and six other dudes. Our house happened to be the rugby party house so every Sat. there was a guaranteed party. One night around 2 a.m., after 12 hours of drinking mind you, Dirty and another guy, Lou view the vast landscape that is our living room.

Counting up the dude to chick ratio, it was discovered that there were too many dudes. So they shot one another a knowing look and each grabbed the arm of some random 18 year old guy who happened to be standing too close.

Dragging him to the porch, which stands about 4 feet above a gravel driveway, they begin swinging the young frosh to and fro. On the count of three they send the poor manchild aloft where he lands at the feet of a few other revelers.

Dirty looks at Lou, rubs his hands together, as if brushing the dust from them, and says, "That's more like it." The turn and reenter the party. It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen.




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