Cochella stereotypes

Dirty and I make no secret about our love for live music, specifically Lollapalooza, where we'll be spending our second annual SMFML corporate retreat this August. One of our favorite pastimes is to take photos of the stereotypes you see at every music festival. Well, we didn't see any naked wizards last year but I sure hope this wizard, who has the smallest penis in all of Middle Earth, doesn't make it to Lolla. Be sure to stay tuned for the tazin' bro.



Dirty Steve on April 24, 2009 at 10:14 AM said...

I will say that in all of our countless interactions with local law enforcement, we've never been treated with the degree of patience the Wizard was treated with here. he was probably given 20 chances to cover his junk before they got aggressive.
also, awesome how that brunette who shook his hand cast her eyes downward as she walked away just to verify that it really was that small.



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