Bad Ideas

Campfire+Marshmallow+Chocolate+Graham Cracker=Great Idea!
Campfire+Marshmallow+Chocolate+Graham Cracker+Oxygen Tank=Bad Idea.

Using condoms to practice safe sex = Great Idea!
Buying them from Mr. J = Bad Idea.

Marketing your environmentally-conscious business = Great Idea!
Driving around in a Hummer to do it = Bad Idea.

Kids + Puzzles = Great Idea!
Kids + Puzzles + Guns = Bad Idea.

Taking some risque photos for your man = Great Idea!
Taking risque photos for your man in front of your kid = Bad Idea.


Anonymous said...

Let's talk about the bigger crime in that last photo...her shoes don't match!

For real is wrong with these people? I'm just glad they are around for our entertainment!



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