There are seriously some times I regret being a white person. The first is of course when I get really sunburnt playing golf all the time. The second is when I run across random pictures of other white people on Facebook (I know, I know) doing extremely white person things.
Case in point: no other ethnicity or culture in the history of mankind has created the freetime that enables them to not only play child's games as adults (i.e., Kickball) but also to match a THEME to it. Here we have some notoriously white folk that are playing coed kickball dressed how they would imagine other white people would dress at a country club. So...white people making fun of other white people for their whiteness. This is like an MC Escher painting or something. also 2 girls dressed as beer coozies, posing in a way that they find extremely amusing in an ironic sort of way.
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