Worst Tattoos, Pt 2

Apparently if it's one thing our readers like, its people with bad tattoos. As awesome & kick-ass and anti-establishment they are when applied to your body for $100 when you're 20, you might want to find some people that made much worse choices than you when it came to painting the walls of your temple as you approach mid-life. 

Fear not!  We've found them. In updated form, here's a fine selection of world-class (NSFW) morons that desecrated their bodies in ways heretofore thought impossible.  Whether it be through an obsession with labels, or sport, or a college joke that never seems to get old, this body art is choice. Of course, that's just entertaining - next we get to the sexy stuff, and where it finds us is anyone's guess
Lastly, there's this guy.  Seriously dude, did you think getting this would make your life any easier? 


Unknown on February 6, 2009 at 1:05 PM said...

Number 1, that last guy will probably never have kids. Thank God! But if he does, he will never be able to tuck them into bed without them shatting themselves and praying for mercy.



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