The Internet is never wrong

If there is anyplace better than Wikipedia to get true, factual information it's Yahoo Answers. I know because I recently asked it a personal question and got answers lickety-split.

ok, so i know this is really gross, but sometimes when i sit down on the toilet it looks like steam is coming out of my vagina. am i gonna die or do i have like this crazy weird disease? i;ve been searching the internet and i cant find anything. can someone explain this to me.?!?!?

A selection of top answers:
You won't die, but some ancient cultures believe in a pillow monster that lives in your vagina. This isnt acknowledged in modern medicine, however, the steam could be caused be the troll exhaling.

Unfortunately, your vagina is releasing harmful greenhouse gases that are contributing to global warming. I suggest that you capture the steam using a plastic bag or else you can cause a global catastrophe.

Well there's your problem right there. You shouldn't be searching the internet, you should be searching your vagina, but I'll save you the trouble and tell you what it is right now.

It's a raptor on a locomotive, attempting to rob you of your precious eggs. You must stop him at all costs if you ever want children.

Steam coming from the Vagina acts as a sauna for the Male's Penis during intercourse.

Find all the rest here.




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